
news: Pamela Ronald Awarded 2022 Wolf Prize in Agriculture

Pamela Ronald Awarded 2022 Wolf Prize in Agriculture

Pamela Ronald, JBEI's Director of Grass Genetics in the Feedstocks Division and a biologist faculty scientist in the Biosciences Area's Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division (EGSB), has been awarded the 2022 Wolf Prize in Agriculture. The prestigious international science prizes are awarded annually to scientists whose work provides exceptional contributions to humanity.

February 09, 2022

news: Scown to Receive ACS Lectureship Award
news: Scott Baker Elected as AAAS Fellow

Scott Baker Elected as AAAS Fellow

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), which was founded in 1848 and is the world’s largest general scientific society, has announced their 2022 class of Fellows, among them Scott Baker a JBEI fungal biotechnology scientist and Functional and Systems Biology group lead at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. This lifetime honor, which follows a nomination and review process, recognizes scientists, engineers, and innovators for their distinguished achievements toward the advancement or applications of science.

February 01, 2022

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