High Throughput Biochemistry

view profile for Trent Northen

Trent Northen

Director of High Throughput Biochemistry

view profile for Kai Deng

Kai Deng

Deputy Director of High Throughput Biochemistry

view profile for Xiaomeng Liang

Xiaomeng Liang

Post Doctoral Researcher

view profile for Jenny Onley

Jenny Onley

Post Doctoral Researcher

Developing cost effective methods for deconstructing plant biomass into microbial substrates and subsequent conversion to biofuels and bioproducts requires rapid analytical methodologies. To address this challenge we have developed a nanoliter-scale acoustic sample deposition and nanostructure-initiator mass spectrometry (NIMS) analysis platform to rapidly detect and characterize a wide range of enzymatic activities, but primarily focused on glyco- and lignolytic enzyme activities and substrate specificities. We are applying this approach for analysis of in vitro and cell-based expression systems to quickly screen large libraries of enzymes against a wide range of substrates including native plant biomasses. This effort will serve as the foundation in the development of this new technology that will have several applications, including enzyme “cocktail” engineering for enhanced performance in industrially relevant biorefining operating environments for the production of sugars from biomass. We have recently expanded these approaches for screening of biofuel molecules among other bioproducts. In addition, we have integrated NIMS analysis with microfluidics to create devices that enable microscale enzymatic activity analyses. Together these capabilities are enabling discovery and characterization of high performance enzymes and microbes to help advance sustainable biofuel and bioproduct platforms.


  • Utilize MS Chip based assays to support the development of high performance lignocellulolytic enzymes (cellulases, hemicellulases and lignanases) screened across a matrix of conditions (T, pH, IL stability) to understand the protein features that impart ionic liquid tolerance
  • Develop chip based assays to perform high throughput biofuel and bioproduct production
  • Development and use of fabricated ecosystems to study bioenergy crops and their impacts with soil microbiomes

EcoFAB 3.0: Fabricated Ecosystem for Bioenergy Crops

Model plants such as Brachypodium and Arabidopsis are well-studied in controlled and sterile environments. However, there is a strong desire to extend the findings and study bioenergy crops such as sorghum. EcoFAB 3.0 is a new platform which can house a sorghum plant in a sterile controlled environment for up to 4 weeks. EcoFAB 3.0 addresses many limitations of previously used platforms (EcoFAB 2.0 and RootChip) such as ease of assembly, reusability, and lack of a dark chamber for the roots that supports gravitropism in one solution. We have successfully shown that EcoFAB 3.0 supports robust growth of sorghum that is comparable, if not better, to those grown in pots at the same age. Current studies using EcoFAB 3.0 are focussed on recreating greenhouse and field observations.

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High Throughput Biochemistry at JBEI Using Acoustic Printing

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