JBEI contributes to 2016 East Bay STEM Career Awareness Day
JBEI collaborated with Cal State University - East Bay at this event targeted at 300 East Bay high school students
April 27, 2016
JBEI participates at National Lab Science Day on Capitol Hill
DOE’s national lab network conveyed their contributions to scientific discovery to Congressional members and staff at an event on April 20
April 26, 2016
Keasling elected American Academy of Arts and Sciences
JBEI’s CEO Jay Keasling is one of four Berkeley Lab scientists elected by the Academy
April 20, 2016
JBEI Welcomes French Synthetic Biology Delegation
The delegation was led by the IAR Cluster (Pôle de Compétitivité IAR)
April 15, 2016
DOE Hosts #WomeninSTEM Twitter Chat Across National Labs
JBEI’s Post-Doctoral Researcher Sarah Richardson was one of the participants
April 01, 2016
From Near-Dropout to PhD, JBEI Scientist Now at Forefront of Biofuels Revolution
JBEI scientist Ee-Been Goh thrives on re-engineering bacteria and mentoring students.
March 30, 2016
JBEI Releases Video Series “Bioenergy Research @ JBEI”
The videos educate the public on JBEI's research and achievements
March 24, 2016
JBEI Researchers Participate in Lab-Corps Program Training
JBEI researchers are participating in two teams in this second round of training
March 21, 2016
JBEI Celebrates Women’s History Month
A number of activities were organized for JBEI's staff and local students
March 18, 2016
JBEI’s Inventory of Composable Elements (ICE) Tutorial Now Available
The public can learn how to use this free DNA/strains/seeds repository
March 17, 2016