
news: Joint BioEnergy Institute Scientists Identify New Microbe-Produced Advanced Biofuel as an Alternative to Diesel Fuel
news: DNA Construction Software Saves Time, Resources and Money
news: Berkeley Lab Opens Advanced Biofuels Facility
news: Bay Area Students Get Hands-On Science Experience and a Salary
news: JBEI to Partner with Russian Institute on Biofuels Research
news: Biological Circuits for Synthetic Biology: Berkeley Lab Researchers Aim to Keep Things Simple
news: Striking the Right Balance: JBEI Researchers Counteract Biofuel Toxicity in Microbes
news: Keasling Featured in NOVA's 'Power Surge' Program
news: Starting a New Metabolic Path: JBEI and Berkeley Lab Researchers Develop Technique to Help Metabolic Engineering
news: The Future of Metabolic Engineering – Designer Molecules, Cells and Microorganisms