Grass Genetics

view profile for Pamela Ronald

Pamela Ronald

Director of Grass Genetics

view profile for Randy Ruan

Randy Ruan

Research Assistant

view profile for Ho Nguyen

Ho Nguyen


view profile for Flor Ercoli

Flor Ercoli


The Grass Genetics group takes advantage of induced variation and targeted engineering to characterize root system architecture, improve biomass performance and enhance microbial associations.


  • Engineer grasses for broad spectrum resistance
  • Engineer grasses for enhanced root growth, biomass and plant-microbe associations
  • Create and characterize sorghum genetic variation

Featured Media

How genetic engineering can fight disease, reduce insecticide use and enhance food security, TED2015

A Better Route to Xylan


Genome-scale Network of Rice Genes to Speed the Development of Biofuel Crops

In the Lab with Pam Ronald

Featured Publications

Featured Intellectual Property