Virtual Tour of JBEI

March 16, 2021
By Sara Harmon

Located in Emeryville at the Emery Station East Facility, JBEI, ABPDU and Agile BioFoundry are part of Berkeley Lab’s Biosciences Area. If the embedded video is not displaying for you, please click here to access the tour on our YouTube Channel.

Scientists at DOE’s JBEI are using the latest tools and methods in biology, chemical engineering, and computational and robotic technologies to address the scientific bottlenecks in the transformation of biomass into advanced, next-generation biofuels. You will virtually tour JBEI’s labs and see the process of how plants become fuel.

You will also virtually tour the ABPDU, which enables early stage advanced biofuels, biomaterials, and biochemicals technologies to successfully scale up from the lab to the marketplace.

The Agile BioFoundry is a consortium of national laboratories operating as a distributed biofoundry in collaboration with industry and academia. You will learn about how the development of bio-based fuels, materials and chemicals is crucial for creating a strong bioeconomy and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.

There are several virtual tours of LBNL Facilities available each month. For more information on tours, click here.