Chris Petzold

Deputy Vice President of Technology and Director of Functional Genomics

Research Focus

Chris Petzold is a staff scientist with Berkeley Lab’s Biological Systems and Engineering Division. He obtained his Ph. D. in Chemistry from Purdue University with emphasis in gas-phase ion chemistry and mass spectrometric methods development. After graduating from Purdue, he performed his post-doctoral work at UC-Berkeley focusing on application of mass spectrometry to glycomics and lipidomics research. Chris joined Jay Keasling’s research group in 2005 as part of the team tasked to understand the impact of metabolic engineering on the host microbe via systems biology.

As director of JBEI’s Functional Genomics Research Group, his focus is on developing mass spectrometric solutions to problems facing biofuel production. Recent work has focused on applying quantitative proteomics to metabolic engineering efforts. This work furthers rational design and optimization of novel metabolic pathways for a wide variety applications.


  • Develop targeted and shotgun proteomics methods for biofuel-producing hosts
  • Integrate analytical technologies with the metabolic engineering Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle
  • Apply proteomic methods to help reach JBEI research goals

Featured Media

A Skyline-based workflow for rapid development of high-throughput quantitative proteomic assays, 2016 User Group Meeting at ASMS


Webinar: Jet Stream Proteomics – Enabling Standard Flow Chromatography for Robust Discovery Proteomics

Separation Science

Starting a New Metabolic Path: JBEI and Berkeley Lab Researchers Develop Technique to Help Metabolic Engineering

Schematic of targeted proteomics technique in which a peptide mass and a specific fragment mass are selected for SRM mass spectrometry analysis to identify and quantify a target protein. (Image from Christopher Petzold)

A targeted proteomics toolkit for high-throughput absolute quantification of Escherichia coli proteins

An overview schematic of the SRM toolkit method development.

JBEI Researchers Harness Power of Microbes for Work and Winemaking


Featured Publications