Aymerick Eudes

Director of Bioenergy Crop Engineering

Research Focus

Dr. Eudes received a Master’s degree and a PhD in Plant Cellular and Molecular Physiology at the University of Paris XI, Orsay. He is a Biologist Research Scientist at the Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division of the Biosciences Area at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

At JBEI, Dr. Eudes is the Director of Bioenergy Crop Engineering in the Feedstocks Division. His research interests focus on the development of bioenergy crops for sustainable production of fuels and chemicals.


  • Develop novel approaches to reduce lignin content and/or modify its composition in biomass
  • Design metabolic pathways for the production of value-added chemicals in bioenergy crops
  • Engineer microbes for the synthesis of plant-specific metabolites

Featured Media

New routes to renewables: Speeding transformation of biofuel waste into wealth

Berkeley Lab researchers discover possible method to reduce cost of biofuels

Credit: Irina Silva, JBEI-LBNL

New Way to Reduce Plant Lignin Could Lead to Cheaper Biofuels

lignin Eudes

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