Machine learning to simplify development of new biorefining processes, Biofuels International
Biofuels International covered JBEI's new paper "Machine learning to simplify development of new biorefining processes" published in published in npj Systems Biology and Applications.
Categories: Media Highlights
The scientist still fighting for the clean fuel the world forgot, MIT Technology Review
JBEI's CEO, Jay Keasling, was featured in the MIT Technology Review recently. In the article, Keasling discusses the challenges and progress made in the quest for affordable advanced biofuels.
Categories: Media Highlights
Turning plants into fuel, ShareAmerica
ShareAmerica, the U.S. Department of State’s online news platform, has released a story about JBEI's research.
Categories: Media Highlights
In 1986, scientists found a fuel-producing bacterium at the bottom of a Swiss lake. Now, they know how it works, Science Magazine
Science Magazine covered JBEI publication "Discovery of enzymes for toluene synthesis from anoxic microbial communities" published in Nature Chemical Biology.
Categories: Media Highlights
Something's Brewing in the Lab: Beer Without Hops, New York Times
New York Times covered research conducted at JBEI which has resulted in the bioengineering of industrial brewing yeast that creates more hoppy flavor in beer.
Categories: Media Highlights
Berkeley Lab researchers demonstrate importance of microbial communities for enzyme stability, Biofuels Digest
Biofuels Digest covered the recent study released by JBEI demonstrates the importance of microbial communities as a source of stable enzymes that could be used to convert plants to biofuels.
Categories: Media Highlights
Study speeds transformation of biofuel waste into useful chemicals,
JBEI's Feedstocks Division collaborated with Sandia National Laboratories in a study that looked into efficient ways to turn discarded plant matter into chemicals.
Categories: Media Highlights
How to keep America the world leader in science and technology, The Hill
Opinion piece on how U.S. leadership in the technology of biology presents the nation with tremendous opportunity to build the world’s preeminent bioeconomy, mentions the leading efforts of the Joint BioEnergy Institute in the development of advanced biofuels and bioproducts.
Categories: Media Highlights
A Decade of Bioenergy Research, Ethanol Producer Magazine
JBEI has pioneered the development of advanced routes to the production of fuels from sugars for use in blendstocks by using synthetic biology.
Categories: Media Highlights, News, Success Stories
US researchers discover enzyme to help turn biofuel waste ‘into something useful’, Biofuels International
Biofuels International covered the discovery of a new enzyme at JBEI that helps convert aryl compounds, a common waste product from industrial and agricultural practices, into something of value.
Categories: Media Highlights